Medical & Health Care Careers

Some of the hottest careers for the 21st century will be in the fields of medicine and health care. Indeed, five of the ten fastest growing jobs in the decade ahead will be found in health care. Altogether, over 20 million people will work in the health care industry by the year 2030. While major restructuring of health care finance and services may negatively affect some jobs in these fields, especially nurses in hospitals and physicians in private practice, despite such restructuring, medicine and health care are hot career fields for the decade ahead. Entry into the medical field will most likely result in a rewarding long term career. 

Increased job opportunities are largely due to four major changes which translate into a boom for the health care industry: 

Increased public and private financing of health care services. 

New medical breakthroughs for the prevention and detection of diseases. 

An increasingly aging population requiring and demanding more health care services. 

The increasing acceptance of alternative medical approaches. 

In general, jobs in the medical and health care industries pay better than in most other industries. The best paying jobs will be for those with high levels of education and specialized training, such as surgeons, radiologists, gynecologists, and anesthesiologists. These industries also will generate hundreds of thousands of lower paying entry level support positions, especially for medical assistants, nursing aids, and home health aids, which require the least amounts of medical education and training. 

We expect job opportunities in medicine and health care to continue to expand throughout the coming decade. New medical breakthroughs relating to genetic engineering and biochemistry will create new occupational specialties. However, don't expect this to be a constantly expanding and rosy occupational field. The organization and management of medical and health care services will continue to undergo major changes in the next decade. The field faces some difficult and challenging years ahead with hospitals and HMOs being at the center of a major upheaval in health care services. Key service delivery centers, such as hospitals and HMOs, are experiencing numerous difficulties relating to financing and the delivery of quahty services. Indeed, the health care field is undergoing a fundamental revolution in how it finances, delivers, and gets paid for its services. 

Top 10 Best Medical (Healthcare) Careers in the World

The revolution in medicine and health care will have a significant impact on traditional medical roles and medical providers, such as physicians, nurses, and hospitals. The major factors affecting the job outlook will be the financing of health care and the restructuring of health care roles. Changes in health care financing are the key to understanding the increased demand for health care services. As health care financing undergoes major changes, expect the demand for health care services to change accordingly. The current system of health care financing, as well as proposals to increase the scope of financing, could result in an even greater demand for medical and health care services in the decade ahead. Be prepared for new approaches to health care financing as well as new roles for nurses and medical aids in dehvering health care services changes which could significantly alter job opportunities within the health care field in the coming decade. 

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