How Much Does a Licensed Practical Nurse Make an Hour (2021)

How Much Money Do Licensed Practical Nurses Make? Licensed Practical Nurse: Key Features, The Work, Hourly Salary in 2021, Prospects 

What do Licensed Practical Nurses do?

Under the supervision of physicians and registered nurses, licensed practical nurses (LPN’s) help care for the physically or mentally ill by providing nursing care that requires technical knowledge, but not the professional education and training of a registered nurse. LPN’s are employed in hospitals, private homes, doctors’ offices, and clinics. 

Licensed Practical Nurse Career

All states and the District of Columbia require that these nurses have a license. To qualify for the license, applicants must complete a state approved practical nursing course and pass a written examination. State approved programs providing practical nursing training are offered by trade schools, colleges, and health facilities, usually last one year, and include classroom study and clinical practice. 

Licensed Practical Nurse Salary 2021

Entry for the career changer interested in becoming a licensed practical nurse should be fairly easy as employment is rising faster than the average for all occupations. LPN’s average between $36,200 and $55,000 or more per year with most employers paying increases after specific periods of satisfactory service. There is little advancement potential for a licensed practical nurse. Limited educational requirements and high job satisfaction potential, however, make this an attractive job for entering the health field. 

The average salary for a Licensed Practical Nurse in 2021

Annual Salary $49,500
Monthly Salary  $4,200
Weekly Salary $1,050
Hourly Salary  $25

Licensed Practical Nurse Requirements

Entry Requirements in Prior Experience: 

Working as a nurses aide on a volunteer basis could provide valuable experience for a career changer interested in becoming a licensed practical nurse. Likewise, working as a medical assistant, which involves on the job training, would be good preparation for a prospective LPN. While this experience may be helpful, it is not required. 

Entry Requirements in Personal Qualities: 

Career changers interested in becoming licensed practical nurses must be willing to work at night, on weekends, and holidays. They must spend long periods oftime on their feet, and their work may be physically taxing. Self employed LPN’s should be comfortable working in patients’ private homes. A deep regard for human welfare is vital to a licensed practical nurse working with those suffering illness or infirmity. Emotional stability is also a must. LPN’s must exercise tact and resourcefulness in dealing with patients and with their families; it is part of their job to provide emotional as well as physical comfort and to communicate a bright and positive outlook. Licensed practical nurses, functioning as part of a health care team, must be able to follow orders and work under close supervision. They must likewise be able to communicate quickly and well with the other members of this team. 

LPN Salary Income | How Much Money Does a Licensed Practical Nurse Make?

Entry Requirements in Training and Education: 

Training for career changers interested in becoming licensed practical nurses involves a one year state  approved program of classroom study and clinical experience provided at trade, technical, or vocational schools, community colleges, hospitals, and other health agencies. Educational requirements for enrollment range from completion of the eighth or ninth grade to high school graduation. Many schools do not require a high school diploma but prefer it. There are several programs operated by the armed forces which are state approved for practical nurse training. Licensure is required in all states and the District of Columbia. Applicants for a license must complete the state approved training program and pass a written examination.

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