How much do foresters make in 2021?

How much money does a forester make? Forester: Key Features, The Work, Salary, Prospects 

What do foresters do?

Foresters manage, develop and protect public and privately owned forests for use now and in the future. Their duties vary but may include making surveys of forest areas, estimating future growth and managing timber sales. Foresters are also concerned with protecting trees from fire, harmful insects and disease. Some foresters are involved in wildlife protection, park development and supervision of recreation areas. 

How to become a forester?

Little long term growth in employment opportunities is predicted for this field and career changers will probably face some difficulty in finding entry level opportunities. A bachelor’s degree in forestry is the minimum requirement for entry to the field. But because competition for available openings may be keen, those with advanced degrees in forestry will stand the best chance of finding jobs. 

How much does a forester make in 2021?

Starting salaries for those with the educational qualifications are good but income advancement potential is limited, except for those who move into management positions. Foresters earn an average of about $52,000 a year to start and an average of about $84,000 or more with experience. Foresters employed by state and local governments generally earn somewhat less. 

The average salary for a forester in 2021

Annual Salary $73,500
Monthly Salary  $6,050
Weekly Salary $1,500
Hourly Salary  $33

Forester Requirements

Entry Requirements in Prior Experience: 

Education is the primary requirement for this field and work experience in a related field cannot substitute for the necessary college degree. However, qualified career changers with previous experience in park service or farm work may have an advantage in seeking employment opportunities. 

Entry Requirements in Personal Qualities: 

Foresters must enjoy working outdoors and have the physical stamina to be able to perform in all kinds of weather and in such emergency situations as forest fires. In addition they should be willing to move and their living quarters are sometimes located in remote places. Though foresters do spend part of their time in remote areas, the image of the solitary forester singlehandedly protecting the wilderness no longer holds true.

Modern foresters spend a great deal oftime working with people. They must deal constantly with landowners, loggers, forestry aides, and others. Thus they should work well with people, and express themselves clearly. Supervisory abilities will also become important for those who move up the promotion ladder. Interest and ability in the sciences are important both for completing the required college program and for the technical scientific aspects of a forester’s work. 

Forester Salary in the United States - Jobs and Wages in the United States

Entry Requirements in Training and Education: 

Career changers seeking employment opportunities in this field must have at least a four year college degree in forestry. Due to keen competition and the increasingly complex nature of the forester’s work, however, many employers prefer graduates who hold advanced degrees. Certain jobs such as teaching and research require advanced degrees.

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