How much do buyers agents make in 2021?

How much money does a buyers agent make? Buyers Agents: Key Features, The Work, Salary, Prospects 

What do buyers agents do?

Buyers agents purchase merchandise from manufacturers and distributors for resale in the retail stores that employ them. Their work is demanding and fast paced, involves regular travel (on buying trips), and requires frequent meetings with manufacturer’s representatives and other sales personnel. Generally, buyers are expected to learn about lines of merchandise, customer preferences, salability of products, and profit margins. Using this information they must then decide which merchandise to buy to ensure quick sales and the best possible profit. 

Buyer Career

The shortest entry route is through one of the buyer training programs sponsored by many department stores. A four year college degree is usually required for entry to such programs, which include some classroom instruction and on the job training. It is also possible to begin as a stockroom or sales clerk, though this route to a position as a buyer generally takes longer. 

Buyer Salary 2021

Employment opportunities are generally hard to find and are not expected to grow significantly in coming years, largely because chain stores are turning to centralized buying practices. Those who do get entry level jobs, however, have a fairly high income advancement potential. Starting salaries run about $52,000 a year. Experienced buyers can earn as much as $72,000 and up. 

The average salary for a buyer in 2021

Annual Salary $55,400
Monthly Salary  $4,700
Weekly Salary $1,200
Hourly Salary  $25

Buyer Requirements

Entry Requirements in Prior Experience: 

Career changers who have previous work experience in retail sales or merchandising, will have an advantage in seeking an entry level opportunity. Such experience is not required, however. 

Entry Requirements in Personal Qualities: 

Career changers who want to enter this field should be interested in merchandising and should be good at planning and decision making. Their work demands that they be able to assess the resale value of goods after a brief inspection and make their purchase decisions quickly. Career changers will also need to have good physical stamina and emotional stability. Buyers work under constant pressure to make the right decisions within the budget limits set for them. They travel frequendy and meet often with manufacturers’ representatives and store executives. The successful buyer must enjoy this kind of fast paced life. Supervisory skills are also important to this field because buyers must be able to oversee the work of assistant buyers and sales workers. Communicative skills are necessary for dealing with manufacturers representatives and store executives. 

How Much Do Buyers Agents Make?

Entry Requirements in Training and Education: 

Career changers with a four year college degree are usually eligible for buyer trainee programs at large stores. These programs last about two years and combine some classroom instruction with on the job training as an assistant buyer.Though this route is the shortest and generally preferred entry route, career changers without a college degree may enter the field by working first in the stockroom or behind a sales counter. From there they can move up the ladder to assistant buyer and finally buyer.


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