Broadcast Engineer: Job Description, Salary and Career 2021

Broadcast Engineer: Key Features, The work, Salary, Prospects

What does a broadcast engineer do?

Broadcast engineers operate and maintain the electronic equipment used to record and transmit radio and television programs. They work with microphones, sound and videotape recorders, light and sound effects equipment, television cameras, transmitters, and other equipment. They may work in the studio itself, in the control room, or at field locations. 

Broadcast engineers usually have some formal technical training and a college degree in engineering has become a prime consideration for advancement to top supervisory or administrative positions. Broadcast engineers who operate certain types of radio transmission equipment are required to have a Federal Communications Commission (FCC) license and some technical courses may be required to pass the written examinations for the license. This license is a plus when seeking employment opportunities, however. 

How much does a broadcast engineer make? (2021)

Competition for available jobs in this field is keen and most ofthe higher paying jobs at large stations go to experienced broadcast engineers. The best opportunities for entry level openings may be found at smaller stations. For those career changers who find work and prove their capabilities, income advancement potential is fairly high. Broadcast engineers earn starting salaries of about S55,000 a vear and experienced engineers at large stations earn $85,000 plus a year. 

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Broadcast Engineer Requirements

Entry Requirements in Prior Experience: 

Career changers who have had prior experience in electronics repair or who have pursued electronics as a hobby may have an advantage when seeking an entrv level opening. This kind of background in electronics is not required, however, and successful completion of technical training is a more important consideration. 

Entry Requirements in Personal Qualities: 

Broadcast engineers must have an aptitude for working with electrical and mechanical equipment. Verbal skills may also be important for understanding complex technical manuals and other literature associated with this type of equipment. Broadcast engineers must also have good manual dexterity. Operating the electronic equipment in radio and television stations often requires precise, coordinated hand movements. 

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Entry Requirements in Training and Education: 

Formal training at a technical school, community college, or four year college is generally required for entry into this field. Broadcast engineers who operate radio or television transmitters are required by federal law to have a restricted radiotelephone operator permit, for which no examination is required. Microwave or other internal radio communications equipment operators, however, must have a general radiotelephone operator license. Many schools offer courses designed to prepare for this FCC license. A college degree in engineering is important for advancement to top positions.


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