Art, Media, and Entertainment Careers

Highly sensitive to business cycles, the arts, entertainment, and media industries offer numerous and exciting opportunities for talented and enterprising job seekers. After experiencing a major recession and significant downturns during the early 1990s, these industries experienced a major comeback during much of the 1990s. They should continue to do well in the decade ahead. 

Opportunities in major sectors of the arts, entertainment, and media industries should be good to excellent in the decade ahead. While numerous opportunities will be available, we expect keen competition in what are some of the most sought after, glamorous, and high turnover occupations. 

The proliferation of cable television stations, home movie rental establishments, and television syndication should lead to a greater demand for television and movie productions. In addition to increased demand for actors, directors, and producers, these industries will require more creative production personnel and technicians. 

The growth in small businesses and advertising will also require the services of more artists, illustrators, and designers skilled in using the latest technology. Graphic artists skilled in computer based design and working in advertising agencies, publishing firms, and art and design studios should do very well in the decade ahead. 

Working in the Arts, Media and Entertainment Industry

The publishing industry should continue to experience major growth in the decade ahead. As desktop and electronic publishing play central roles in restructuring this industry, more and more opportunities will be available for individuals using the latest publishing technology.


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