How Much Do Travel Agents Make in Canada (2021)

How much money does a travel agent make? Travel Agents Key Features, The Work, Yearly Salary in Canada (2021), Prospects 

What do travel agents do?

Travel agents organize and schedule business, educational, or leisure travel activities for their clients. They are specialists who can tailor a trip to suit the needs and tastes of a wide variety of customers. Keeping up with the changing rates, quality oftransportation, and lodging facilities is an important part of their job. Wide travel experience is an asset, and reduced-rate traveling is part of the agent’s job. 

How to become a travel agent in Canada?

There are no particular educational requirements for this field although a college degree is sometimes preferred by employers. Training in tourism is available through home study programs, adult education programs, community colleges, and four year colleges. Many travel agencies will train new employees and look particularly for those who have traveled widely or worked in travel related jobs. There are no federal licensing requirements, but several states do license travel agents. 

Travel Agent Salary in Canada (2021)

Employment opportunities for travel agents are very good since this field is expected to grow much faster than the national average for all occupations over the next decade. The industry is sensitive to fluctuations in the economy, however. The potential for income advancement for salaried travel agents is limited, with their salaries ranging from about $50,000 to $60,000 or more a year in Canada. Roughly one fourth ofall travel agents are self employed and their incomes, depending on the success of their agencies, vary widely. 

The average salary for a Travel Agent in CANADA (2021)

Annual Salary $56,300
Monthly Salary  $4,650
Weekly Salary $1,650
Hourly Salary  $28

Travel Agent Requirements in Canada

Entry Requirements in Prior Experience: 

Previous work as a reservation clerk or receptionist in a travel agency is good experience for a prospective travel agent. Broad travel experience is also an asset for career changers seeking to enter this field. 

Entry Requirements in Personal Qualities: 

Travel agents should have a genuine interest in different parts of the world. Being widely traveled, or having the ability to speak foreign languages may also be very helpful. They must also be willing to keep up with constantly changing conditions, rates, fares, package deals, and the quality of the hotels and restaurants they recommend. As sales representatives, travel agents must be pleasant and patient. Agents often must demonstrate their efficiency and sense of responsibility to hard to please clients. Since most of their income is from commissions and their business is sensitive to economic conditions, travel agents must be willing and able to weather bad times and still deal graciously with clients. 

Reservation Agent-Travel Agency Jobs Available in Canada

Entry Requirements in Training and Education: 

Some employers prefer applicants with a college education when hiring travel agents, but a degree is not necessary to enter this field. Travel Agencies often will train new employees either informally or in a formal program. There are also home study courses and courses given by adult education programs, community colleges, and four year colleges. A few colleges offer bachelor’s degrees pertaining directly to this career. Experienced travel agents can take an advanced course to become Certified Travel Counselors. Tests for a certificate are also available from the American Society of Travel Agents.

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