How Much Do Flight Attendants Make in Ontario (2021)

How Much Money Does A Flight Attendant Make? Flight Attendants: Key Features, The Work, Yearly Salary in Ontario-Canada (2021), Prospects 

What do flight attendants do?

Flight attendants (also called stewardesses and stewards) aboard commercial passenger planes help make the passengers flight safe, comfortable, and enjoyable. Their duties include checking tickets, serving meals and drinks, and assisting passengers in the event of an emergency. 

How to become a flight attendant in Ontario

Career changers considering this field must have at least a high school degree and airlines generally prefer those who have had two or more years of college. In addition, airlines are particularly interested in candidates who show poise, tact, and resourcefulness when dealing with people. Newly hired flight attendants are given a company sponsored training course, usually lasting about five weeks. 

Flight Attendant Salary in Ontario (2021)

The chance to travel makes this an attractive career and competition for available openings is keen. This competition is expected to continue over the long term, even though employment opportunities will probably grow faster than the national average for all occupations in coming years. For those who do find work, opportunities for promotions to positions of greater responsibility are very limited. Income  advancement potential is also limited. Beginning flight attendants earn about $70,000 on international flights. On the average, flight attendants make about $90,000 or more a year in Ontario. 

The average salary for a Flight Attendant in Ontario (2021)

Annual Salary $85,800
Monthly Salary  $7,050
Weekly Salary $1,650
Hourly Salary  $26

Flight Attendant Requirements in Ontario(Canada)

Entry Requirements in Prior Experience: 

Though previous experience is not required, career changers who have had jobs that involve working with people may have an advantage when seeking employment opportunities. Work of this sort might include positions as a tour guide, hostess, or salesperson. 

Entry Requirements in Personal Qualities: 

Career changers interested in entering this field should like to travel, meet new people, and help others. Airlines are especially interested in hiring those who have the ability to talk comfortably with strangers and who can remain pleasant, tactful, and poised even in difficult situations. Generally, flight attendants must be at least 19 years old and be in excellent physical health. They must also have good vision, though contact lenses or (usually) glasses are acceptable. The ability to speak clearly is also important. 


Entry Requirements in Training and Education: 

Career changers must have at least a high school diploma to enter this field. Those who have several years ofcollege or experience in dealing with the public are preferred. Flight attendants for international airlines usually must be able to speak an appropriate foreign language fluently. Additional training for new employees in the duties of flight attendants and airline procedures is provided by the airline.

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