How much do professional musicians make in 2021?

How much money does a professional musician make? Professional Musicians:Key Features, The Work, Salary, Prospects 

What do professional musicians do?

Professional musicians, those whose livelihoods depend upon performing for others, may play in a symphony orchestra, dance band, rock group, or jazz group. Whether their specialty is classical or popular music, they all have behind them many years of formal or informal study and practice. 

Professional Musician Career

Career changers who do not already have extensive training in playing a musical instrument probably should not consider this career. It can take years to master the skills required and even then there is little chance of finding steady work. In fact only the most talented musicians are able to give performances on a regular basis. Others give private lessons or hold jobs unrelated to music to provide income between jobs. 

How much do professional musicians make? (2021)

Beginners may expect to have a hard time finding opportunities to play. Competition for available jobs is keen and because musicians work irregularly their income advancement potential from music is generally very limited. For those who play popular music and have steady engagement contracts in large cities, minimum pay tends to run generally between $25 and $35 an hour. Musicians in regional symphony orchestras earn minimums ranging from some $ 500 to more than $2000 a week. 

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The average salary for a professional musician in 2021

Annual Salary $45,000
Monthly Salary  $3,800
Weekly Salary $1000
Hourly Salary  $20

Professional Musician Requirements

Entry Requirements in Prior Experience: 

Though musicians must have some prior experience in performing before an audience, this generally comes only after extensive formal or informal training. Because competition is keen for opportunities to play to an audience, amateurs and beginning professionals usually must take any engagements they can find (paid or otherwise). 

Entry Requirements in Personal Qualities: 

Musicians must have musical talent, versatility, and creative ability. They must also have poise and stage presence to face large audiences. Since quality performance requires constant study and practice, self discipline is vital. Moreover,musicians who play concert and nightclub engagements must have physical stamina because of frequent travel and night performances. Determination is also important. Musicians must be prepared to face the anxiety of intermittent employment, as well as rejections when auditioning for work.

The Life of an Orchestral Musician

Entry Requirements in Training and Education: 

Career changers who have not had extensive formal or informal training on an instrument will be at a serious disadvantage in this profession. Professional musicians often begin studying an instrument at an early age, and get formal training through school programs, private study with an accomplished musician, college study, or music conservatories. In addition, years of informal practice are usually also required to sharpen musical skills.


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