Why you need to Give yourself Time to Reach your Weight Loss Objectives?

What makes losing weight so frustrating is the fact it takes so long. You can easily gain a few pounds in one week, but taking them off is another matter, especially when it’s such a challenge trying to eat healthily and exercise regularly. Your natural inclination is to simply lie back, watch some television and stuff your face with junk food. Weight loss doesn’t work like that, though, and so day in, day out you have to be prepared to count calories and get active. The alternative is to go on a crash diet, where you eat very little indeed, but although you lose weight quickly you tend to gain it all back anyway.

You therefore have to face up to the fact that you’ve got to start eating healthily and doing exercise from now on to reach your goal weight and to keep the pounds off, or you have to consume so few calories that you lose weight quickly but then regain it when you go back to eating your normal diet. Obviously, the most sensible approach would be to aim for gradual weight loss so that you can lose one or two pounds each week in such a way that you can keep the weight off once you’ve reached your goal. By losing a sensible amount of weight you can still consume the calories you need to stay healthy.

However, it is clearly going to take you longer to reach your weight-loss goal if you take this approach, which is why you have to give yourself enough time to get there. If you’re losing weight for a particular event, such as a wedding or a holiday, you have to ensure that there is enough time for you to reach your goal weight. If you don’t leave yourself enough time the pressure is likely to get to you and when you’re overwhelmed by pressure sometimes it’s your old friend, food, that you turn to, even though you are aware that this is going to make it harder for you to reach your weight-loss goal on time.

Out of desperation you might find yourself living on soups and salads just so you can reach your goal, as cutting calories so drastically will obviously help you shed the weight. However, in the back of your mind is the knowledge that as soon as you go back to eating normally your body is going to want to hold on to any extra calories you consume and that, if you’re not careful, you will pile on the pounds once you go back to your usual eating habits. Thus, you have to be sensible about how much weight you can lose in a given amount of time so that you are able to reach your ideal size without feeling under pressure to lose weight too quickly.


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