Why is it so difficult to lose weight?

Losing weight is a difficult thing to accomplish for many people. It’s not easy to lose weight when there’s usually a lot of pressure we put on ourselves to do it. We often do whatever is the opposite of what it does take to lose weight, and keep it off for good. Part of this, is because there’s so much conflicting information available from so many different sources. A lot of times, we’re mostly getting our information from advertisers, or by someone selling something. We often get mislead, believe the hype, get more confused than ever, and end up continuing to fail. There are few plans offering everything that it takes to do it right, but once we’re able to find what works, success is achievable. Here are a few of the reasons why it’s so difficult for many people to lose weight, and a few things that can be done to change that.

- We take the wrong approach.

The one thing most people do wrong, is allow themselves to get consumed by their weight. They think weight loss is about starvation, and joining a gym. Though those things are important, they’re not the “be all” of success. Somehow we’ve gotten this notion, that diet and exercise is all it takes, and all will be well with our weight. Well, a plan like that may work for some, but for most people, it’ll never lead them to success. How many times have you been discouraged when you’ve tried losing weight on a diet and/or exercise plan? Has a plan like that made you feel satisfied, or happy? For most, you’ll find that they still feel pretty miserable even if they’re able to lose weight on a plan like that. The problem, is most people think just losing weight will “fix” everything. I’ve found, that for weight loss to be successful, it takes dealing with a person as a “whole.” This is the weight loss approach I’ve taken, that’s given me a 100 percent success rate with my clients. I still don’t believe that “the numbers and/or measurements” of a client is going to do them justice, and give them what they’ve come to me for. If they come to me to lose weight, they’re not going to get what they want over a lifetime, unless they understand a whole lot more than calories and exercise. It takes a great deal in order to have lifelong success. If you want to lose weight and keep it off, take the time to change many aspects of your life, and you’ll succeed. Remember that losing weight shouldn’t be our “OK sign,” to live. We should improve our lives on every scale, each day, not it be contingent on our weight.

- We don’t build on steps.

We don’t get to achieve what we want in life that’s important to us, without hard work and building on steps towards it. I believe that if we want to continue having happiness with ourselves, we should never stop challenging ourselves and growing within, emotionally or getting more physically fit. If you’re extremely overweight at the moment, where do you start? I know that each time someone is trying to lose weight, it’s very hurtful to not know what to do or be able to stick to a plan, but you can do it. Not everything should be centered around your weight, because there’s a lot of life out there to be lived. You should have fun, you should excel at your talents and career, and you should have exciting times. You must start somewhere, but where? It begins with learning awareness, and the proper weight loss tools. If you’ve failed on many weight loss attempts, you haven’t been using enough tools, or the right ones. You should be doing things like eating 5-6 small meals per day, taking two twenty-minute walks per day, journal writing, finding a work out buddy or try to get your family active, get involved in an activity you love, or volunteering for an organization or cause. These are just some of the things you should be doing to build a healthier life. You should research as many tools that’ll give you a better “weight awareness,” and a better life focus. Weight loss success, is about being on a complete plan, which helps you tackle all of your weight issues.

- We don’t seek support.

For many of us, we need to realize that it takes a “team of things” to have success. We keep trying the same things that don’t work, and we wonder why “we haven’t changed.” We can’t always do it alone when we want to achieve something important to us. Failure is the result of not having all of the pieces of the puzzle put together. If you could seek support from someone else, imagine what you’d learn. Hopefully you’ll get to connect with those that can understand your needs, and lead you in the right direction. It may not happen so easily, but it doesn’t mean we should give up from searching. I have clients that come to me after years of suffering with their weight battle. They’ve tried countless things, but nothing has worked. I’m always grateful for them finding me, or being referred to me. When they tell me within a few weeks, that they “get it,” and they’re smiling, that means everything to me. There are good people out there willing to help, and that do have the knowledge, the right ability to push and motivate you, and compassion to get you closer to your goals. It’s important that if you’re health is especially in jeopardy, that you take action. It doesn’t need to be for the long-term, but you should have someone to get you on the right path. You could seek the help of a personal trainer, therapist or life-coach, as long as they’re qualified and can offer you an individualized plan.

- Overpower any influence.

We won’t succeed if we continue to let outside sources negatively influence us. There are to many temptations in society, such a fast-foods, processed junk foods, and people around us that are of bad influence. It’s up to us to change, and not let our environments influence us anymore. We need to “cleanup” our lives if we want to lose weight easily. We have the power of choice, and it’s under our control to choose wisely. It doesn’t mean that we can’t have fast-foods or junk foods ever again. We need to learn how to fit those foods into our eating if we’re going to have them. It’s ok to “treat” ourselves with something we love, but it should be on our terms. We can’t let anyone push food onto us, or let our environments allow us to overeat anymore. This is part of why we need to have many weight loss tools put into place, so we understand that we make our own choices. We need to know that things are ok to do, but the reasons we’re doing them should be our own, and justifiable.

Weight loss is a difficult thing when we don’t have it planned out well. If your relying on a diet to get you to lose weight, that’s the wrong approach. Don’t be intimidated by being on a “complete” weight loss plan, because you think the tools take to much work to succeed at. Basically, a complete plan is simply the way we should be living our lives, and weight loss is the added benefit. By adopting changes in your life, you’ll see how easy weight loss really is.


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