The Decision to Lose Weight

Most people in America are classified as overweight or obese. I'm not talking 51%, it's much greater. I am one of them but I am excited. I’ll explain why in a minute. I think FBC does not stand for First Baptist Church. It stands for Fat By Choice. We are a free country. What and how much we eat is voluntary. I'm currently overweight. Didn't get there overnight, will not get slim overnight. In fact I don't know if I'll ever earn the nickname "Slim".

I'm overweight because I made decisions on what and how much I would eat based on today only! I decided on a sedentary activity level based on what I wanted to do today. Not tomorrow, not next week, month or year. I wanted it, I ate it. Now look where I am. Leaders and winners do not make decisions for today! If you are overweight, why in the world does this shock you? In many aspects of your life, physical, financial, relationships, even maintaining your reputation and integrity, you have two choices. You have "easy/hard" which is always making decisions for today or you have "hard/easy" which is making decisions that 'most people" will not make but they are made with the future in mind. Trust me, if you chose “easy/hard”, you WILL get the bill and it WILL be hard on you!

In fact many of you will stop reading this now because it is hard, hard to admit that I may be right. That’s OK, you are in easy mode. I’m not trying to convince anyone to change anything. I’m only sharing my ahh, haa moment with you. Only you can make the decision to make changes in your life. Undertakers are the only humans that I know that can truly straighten others out. Okay, here it is.

I'm overweight, put on 1.5 pounds in three days and I'm excited!

No, I’m NOT trying to gain weight. I have never been asked, "How are you doing with your anorexia?" But man was I excited! The great news is that this excitement and thought process applies to Healthy, Wealthy and Wise.

Stay with me, let me explain. I’ve done the things necessary to lose weight. I’ve begun eating better and exercising. I’ve lost 20 pounds and I’m feeling great. This is not a diet; this is a change for the rest of my life. Diets are temporary. Lifestyle changes need to last forever. Only floss the teeth you want to keep and eat less, move more for the years you want to be healthy.

I am very optimistic about my progress. Then I stepped on the scale. Oh, no! I’ve put on 1.5 pounds in three days. Stay with me now. Follow my thought process through disappointment and frustration all the way back to excitement. Because of what I read, listen to and the people I hang around with, this process took less than 5 seconds.

Okay, don’t panic, think back and be honest. Did I do my exercises? Well, I did skip that one day but I mowed the yard. That was exercise. Yeah, but did it get my heart rate to the same point as the treadmill? Well, probably not. Not probably, NO it didn’t. What about my meals, did I follow my plan? Well I did have the two sides with my steak the other night and I did fudge some yesterday. That was a little outside my game plan. A little, some? Was it in or out of my game plan? No gray area here, in or out? Good or bad? Plus or minus. Did stock in Me Inc. go up or down? (Note, when weight goes up, stock in myself goes down. Would YOU sell YOU insurance?) Okay, it was outside my game plan.

Okay, here is the exciting part! I have a plan and if I stick to it, I will succeed. This is true for all of us and applies to all aspects of our life. “Most People” will never get past the disappointment and frustration. “Most People” will not be as brutally honest with themselves. “Most People” will either say “it’s not working” or “it’s not worth it” and they will quit. Friends, what they have really said is, “I’m not working” and “I’m not worth it”. But THEY are worth it, we all are. Our families are worth it. I've quit many times in the past.

I’m excited because I Am Not ”Most People”! Are you? I’m excited that it is not a secret what I have to do to be healthy, wealthy or wise! I just have to do it. That excites me. Is it all fun and enjoyable? No, but I am excited about the end result, excited about accomplishing my goal. Have you ever built anything that took some time? Maybe it was hot; maybe you hit your finger with a hammer, was that fun and enjoyable? No! Oh but remember how proud you were when you finished.

It’s exciting also that this is true in finance, time management, relationships and personal growth. There is a wealth of information on all these subjects. Most successful people will share how they did it with you. Do you know why? They are not afraid of creating competition because "most people" will not follow their advice. I do not have to be like “most people”. I just have to find the information, form a game plan and follow it. It’s really that simple. Even dead fish can go downstream. Most of us do not have a problem with education; we have a problem with application.

How did I get excitement out of gaining weight? Wisdom! Personal growth! Reading, listening, watching and hanging around successful people. Different, successful mentors for different aspects of my life. Believe me, I've quit and put that weight back on many times in the past. In fact, that's what "most people" do, they quit. BUT I AM NOT MOST PEOPLE! Are you?

UPDATE! I lost the 1.5 and 3 more this week! How? By staying with the program! By not making decisions based on today. By forming a habit of doing what "Most People" won't do. Don't be "Most People"! Make a decision to become "UnMost People"! That is your choice.


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