Obesity in Children would Children Benefit from more Sports

There’s no doubt about the fact that children would benefit from more sport in their lives. Obesity is an enormous problem that continues to grow. It’s a health issue that costs governments billions every year. It’s not just the problem that children are fat that is a worry but that their health is suffering also. When health suffers other areas of life suffer also. Children spend the majority of their free time either doing homework, watching television, playing computer games or surfing the Internet. Not enough children spend their free time in an active way and walking to and from school doesn’t count.

Children need to get more sport. Taking part in sport has many benefits for children’s physical development. It also has a positive impact on their psychological and emotional wellbeing, as well as their education. Children who take part in regular sporting activities are likely to have better body image than those who lead sedentary lifestyles and are generally overweight. Body image is an important issue because it tends to stay with individuals as they get older and become adults. A poor body image can lead to confidence issues which can affect social interaction as well as work performance.

Taking part in sport means getting off the streets and away from computer screens. There’s little good influence playing violent video games or hanging out in car parks or outside bus stops which often happens in society these days. Looking at the children who take part in these activities it is clear that they have weight problems. Running for the bus would be a huge problem. More sport would help them reduce their weight to healthier levels and take them off the streets.

There are two ways to eliminate the obesity epidemic. One of them is diet. The other is more sport. Sport alone won’t be enough to fix the problem but it is a start and it can have a positive and significant impact on the problem. The next thing to fix would be children’s diets. Schools need to create more sporting programs and make sport an important part of the school curriculum. Teaching science, history and mathematics won’t be much use if the class if filled with obese children who are too lethargic and distracted to learn. Active children means healthy and smart children who can learn at their best. It’s both the teachers and parents who need to ensure that sport plays a central role in their children’s lives.


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