Low Sugar Stevia High Fructose Corn Syrup

Obesity is an epidemic in America and also in a lot of Europe as well. Nearly every research scientist claims we are simply just eating too much, but the truth is our foods are laced with sugar. Sugar, in excess, disrupts our insulin as well as other hormones, which triggers our bodies to store fat at EVERY given opportunity. So, even if you normally eat rabbit food all day, just one snack overindulgence in the evening containing High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS), can be setting you up for disaster.

The question we are all asking ourselves is how can we navigate the confusing product labels full of hidden sugars. First, commit to memory the different names sugar goes by. Avoid HFCS at all cost! Do not only look at the ingredients list on your food, but also pay attention to how many grams of sugar are in a serving. And make sure you account for foods in which you may want more than a single serving- we all do this!

A great low sugar breakfast to start your day is one whole egg and two egg whites. An egg contains all of the nutrients your body needs except vitamin C. Vegans can start off the day with another gret breakfast staple- oatmeal; just make sure it's not the instant, sugar-filled variety, and that if you sweeten it, use Stevia and maybe a little cinnamon. Yes, you can still go low sugar and have cereal. Shredded Wheat from Post is a great, no sugar cereal. The key is to eat things that will be 6 grams or less of sugar at one sitting. If you want Cheerios, which are low sugar, you can have a serving size without much ado.

Rice- it's for lunch! Rice and some minimally processed chicken makes a great lunch- add a salad with some vinegar and olive oil dressing, and you're set. You can personally decide whether or not to make fruit a big part of your low sugar diet. Most people agree that cutting out natural sugar sources like fruit doesn't ring true of a healthy style. Some people, however, are locked in such a sensitive state from years of processed foods and insulin imbalance, that it only makes sense to cut out a gala apple and it's 14 grams of sugar until the body is closer to some sort of balance. If you are not overly sensitive, go ahead and throw some fruit on your salad with confidence.

There are several brand name items that hve no added sugar and certainly no HFCS. Whole Foods 365 makes an organic ketchup that is reasonably priced that has only the natural sugar from tomatoes. Craving spaghetti? Rizzo makes a great tasting spaghetti sauce in a few variety with, again, no added sugar. If you're too accustomed to the taste of added sugar in these types of items, you can always flavor them with Stevia.

Going low sugar means you have to plan your meals a little better. It means reading labels and knowing what is going in your mouth. It also means using the internet to learn about stuff, like Stevia, that can help you on your journey to becoming a healthier you.


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