Emt Starting Salary in Florida and Every State (2021)

Emergency Medical Technician (EMT): Starting Pay (2021), Working Conditions, Training, Employment, Career 


Job growth for emergency medical technicians will be rapid from 185,000 jobs in 2010 to 245,000 jobs in 2024, a 35% increase as more and more paid emergency medical technicians replace unpaid volunteers. Opportunities are going to be especially good with hospitals and personal ambulance services where pay and benefits are generally less than with higher paying and more competitive fire, police, and rescue squads.

What do emt do?

Yes, you've seen them on television and within the movies as emergency lifesavers. Responding to automobile accident injuries, heart attacks, near drownings, unscheduled childbirths, poisonings, and gunshot wounds, emergency medical technicians (EMT's) also referred to as paramedics provide immediate medical aid and transport the sick or injured to medical facilities. Two fifths of EMT's work with private ambulance services; one third work with municipal fire, police, or rescue squad departments; one fourth work with hospitals.


The work of EMT's is both physically strenuous and stressful, involving indoor and outdoor work and altogether sorts of weather. Much of their work involves standing, kneeling,bending, and lifting. EMT's could also be exposed to Hepatitus-B and AIDS also as violent drug overdose victim.


EMT's must receive formal classroom and internship training. EMT military training involves 120-130 hours of classroom work plus 10 hours of internship experience during a hospital or ER . EMT-Intermediate training includes 40-60 hours of additional instruction. the essential entry requirement for training programs may be a highschool diploma. Training programs for EMT-Paramedics lasts between 850 and 2,100 hours.

EMT (Emergency Medical Technician) Starting Salary in Florida

Average starting salaries in Florida were $32,000 for EMT-Ambulance or Basic and $35,000 for EMT-Paramedic. The highest paid EMT's work in fire departments (EMT-Paramedic averages $39,000 a year). Many ETM workers in small cities, towns, and rural areas serve as volunteers.


The Starting Salary For a EMT in Every State (2021)

-Alabama $29,732
-Alaska $32,843
-Arizona $26,717
-Arkansas $22,618
-California $34,774
-Colorado $36,848
-Connecticut $33,995
-Delaware $30,760
-Florida $31,817
-Georgia $27,702
-Hawaii $34,836
-Idaho $31,634
-Illinois $36,489
-Indiana $37,359
-Iowa $38,101
-Kansas $34,990
-Kentucky $34,568
-Louisiana $32,212
-Maine $32,270
-Maryland $32,535
-Massachusetts $35,020
-Michigan $31,156
-Minnesota $34,896
-Mississippi $31,341
-Missouri $35,322
-Montana $34,378
-Nebraska $33,412
-Nevada $35,545
-New Hampshire $40,150
-New Jersey $34,871
-New Mexico $28,613
-New York $34,740
-North Carolina $37,173
-North Dakota $40,506
-Ohio $36,718
-Oklahoma $34,517
-Oregon $38,642
-Pennsylvania $34,988
-Rhode Island $37,946
-South Carolina $34,732
-South Dakota $32,144
-Tennessee $31,582
-Texas $31,257
-Utah $27,099
-Vermont $35,646
-Virginia $36,298
-Washington $38,052
-West Virginia $28,805
-Wisconsin $34,019
-Wyoming $30,321


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