Computer Programmer Starting Salary in Every State (2021)

Starting Salary For Computer Programmer (2021), Working Conditions, Training, Employment, Career and Nature of Work 


The growth of computer programmer jobs will be faster than average, from 1,575,000 jobs in 2020 to 2,725,000 jobs in 2030. While this growth is quicker than average, it's not as fast as within the past. New software and techniques have simplified or eliminated some programming tasks, and more and more users are ready to write their own programs. Job opportunities are going to be especially good with processing services firms, software houses, and computer consulting businesses. Individuals experienced in working with a spread of programming languages, especially C++, Java, Smalltalk, Visual Basic, and Ada, also as domain specific languages for computer networking, data base management, and Internet apphcations, are going to be within the greatest demand.


Computer programmers write, update, and maintain the detailed instructions (called programs or software) that list during a logical order the steps that computers must execute. Computer programmers tend to be the "technicians" of the pc field in contrast to the "theoreticians" who occupy positions as computer scientists, computer engineers, and systems analysts. Apphcations programmers primarily work with software designed for business, engineering, or science. They write software to handle specific apphcations in their fields also as modify existing programs. Systems programmers maintain the software that controls the operation of a whole computing system . They often help applications programmers diagnose and resolve related programming problems. the most important number of computer programmers are employed by computer and processing companies that write and sell software. Others add a spread of industries and occupational settings, including educational institutions, government agencies, insurance companies, financial institutions, and engineering and management services.


Programmers usually work a 40-hour week in clean and cozy offices. they often work longer hours so as to satisfy deadlines. Given the character of the technology, many programmers telecommute, performing from remote locations via modems. Since they spend most of their time at computer screens and using keyboards, computer programmers are more likely to experience physical problems concerning eyestrain, back aches, and hand and wrist discomfort, like carpal tunnel syndrome.


While many programmers have 4-year college degrees, others primarily have highschool , community and college , or public and personal trade school educations. However, the trend is toward higher levels of formal education and training with a baccalaureate considered a basic entrylevel education requirement. Employers using computers for business applications prefer individuals with college course add programming and business also as experience in accounting, management, and other business skills. Programmers got to think logically, demonstrate a high level of analytic skills, and be conversant in several different programming languages instead of specialized in just one language.

Is computer programming hard? how to become a computer programmer?


The median earnings of computer programmers in 2020 were $92,600 a year. The lowest 10% earned less than $71,000; the highest 10% earned more than $115,000.

The Starting Salary For a Computer Programmer in Every State (2021)

-Alabama $69,892
-Alaska $73,003
-Arizona $66,877
-Arkansas $62,778
-California $74,934
-Colorado $77,008
-Connecticut $74,155
-Delaware $70,920
-Florida $71,977
-Georgia $67,862
-Hawaii $74,996
-Idaho $71,794
-Illinois $76,649
-Indiana $77,519
-Iowa $78,261
-Kansas $75,150
-Kentucky $74,728
-Louisiana $72,372
-Maine $72,430
-Maryland $72,695
-Massachusetts $75,180
-Michigan $71,316
-Minnesota $75,056
-Mississippi $71,501
-Missouri $75,482
-Montana $74,538
-Nebraska $73,572
-Nevada $75,705
-New Hampshire $80,310
-New Jersey $75,031
-New Mexico $68,773
-New York $74,900
-North Carolina $77,333
-North Dakota $80,666
-Ohio $76,878
-Oklahoma $74,677
-Oregon $78,802
-Pennsylvania $75,148
-Rhode Island $78,106
-South Carolina $74,892
-South Dakota $72,304
-Tennessee $71,742
-Texas $71,417
-Utah $67,259
-Vermont $75,806
-Virginia $76,458
-Washington $78,212
-West Virginia $68,965
-Wisconsin $74,179
-Wyoming $70,481


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